【CVE.0x03】CVE-2016-6909 Fortigate 防火墙 Cookie 解析漏洞复现及简要分析 彁我着🔥了.jpg 2021-08-10 CVE #Linux #Pwn #ret2text #ROP #栈溢出 #shellcode #ret2shellcode #CVE #Fortigate
【CVE.0x02】CVE-2017-5123 waitid 漏洞复现及简要分析 今晚别睡太死.jpg 2021-08-03 CVE #Linux #Linux Kernel #Pwn #CVE #提权
【CODE.0x01】简易 Linux Rootkit 编写入门指北 「I’M A PENGUIN」 2021-07-07 CODE #ROOTKIT #Linux #Linux Kernel #开发手记
【CTF.0x04】CISCN2021初赛 - Pwn WP 人人都笑ylb,人人都事ylb 2021-05-15 CTF #信息安全 #Pwn #堆 #CTF #tcache poisoning #double free #Use After Free #CISCN
【PWN.0x01】简易 Glibc heap exploit 笔记 不要满足于做一个 ptmalloc 拳击手 2021-05-10 PWN #python #信息安全 #Pwn #堆 #CTF #Use After Free #ret2libc #ROP #堆风水 #got表劫持 #栈迁移 #_IO_FILE hijack #Fastbin Attack #FSOP #Heap Overflow #House of Force #House of Orange #House of Spirit #off by one #one_gadget #Unlink #Unsorted bin Attack #House of Botcake #House of Einherjar #House of Husk #House of Kiwi #House of Lore #House of Rabbit #House of Roman #House of Storm
【PWN.0x00】Linux Kernel Pwn I:Basic Exploit to Kernel Pwn in CTF 宁也是带黑阔? 2021-03-03 PWN #Linux #Linux Kernel #Pwn #Use After Free #ROP #栈溢出 #Kernel UAF #栈迁移 #Heap Overflow